Chocolate Easter Nest Recipe

Yields: 12 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 5 Mins Cook Time: 15 Mins Total Time: 20 Mins

Chocolate Easter Nests

Delicious Chocolate Easter Nests, ready for eating!

Easter, one of my favourite times of the year. For one, you have the perfect excuse to eat as much chocolate as you want and not feel guilty about it. Another reason why is because it runs from February to April, my birthday month! One thing I love making during this chocolatey time of year are these Chocolate Easter nests. These would be something that you would make constantly during this time of year for school fairs to sell. There is nothing quite like chocolatey crispy nests with even more chocolate. Chocolate Easter nests are super simple to make and take hardly any ingredients at all.

But is there a way to make these even tastier? The answer is yes… by adding MOLTING CHOCOLATE in the middle! Not only are the Chocolate Easter Nests perfect for holding chocolate eggs, but having the extra indulgence of chocolate in the middle just makes them even tastier. What’s great about this little addition is that you don’t need to worry about the eggs falling out of the nest. This is because they are sunk into and solidify within the chocolatey lushness. Chocolatey lushness? Yes, that’s a word and yes I will keep it.

Equipment I use

As for the equipment I use, they are fairly straight forward. A medium-sized pan to melt down the ingredients is really needed. I’ve tried this in a small-pan and… let’s not talk about it. Let’s just say there was a lot of unnecessary mess. A good quality mixing spoon is also needed, especially when it comes to stirring this sticky mixture. A muffin tin that will hold the Chocolate Easter nests is also super handy. For dividing the sticky gooey mixture, an ice cream scoop is also very helpful. And that’s really all you need!

If you really enjoy these Chocolate Easter nests, you may also enjoy others from the sweet category! Or why not check out the following indulgent recipes?

Vanilla Jam cupcakes
Banana bread
Party / School dinner cake


0/6 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
    For the Chocolate Easter Nests
  • For the chocolate filling


0/8 Instructions
    For the nests
  • Prepare the muffin tin with liners.
  • Break down the Mars Bars into smaller pieces. Put these into a medium-sized pan, melt them down until gooey and no longer solid.
  • Add the butter into the pan and mix until fully combined. Take the mixture off the heat and add the rice crispies. Mix together until fully combined.
  • With an ice cream scoop (or spoon), fill the muffin tin liners with the mixture. 1 ½ scoops should be enough. You’re looking to fill them up at least to the rim of the liner. Make an indent with your thumb in the middle of each liner. Place in the fridge to firm up for 15 - 30 minutes.
  • For the chocolate centre
  • In a small-sized pan, melt down the chocolate until smooth. Add butter and mix in until melted and combined. (You can also use a Bain-marie system to do the same thing!)
  • With a spoon, put a spoonful of the chocolate mixture into the indent of each chocolate Easter nest.
  • Before the chocolate firms up, place the chocolate easter egg candies into the chocolate mixture. You can also use mini smarties instead if you want!
  • Place into the fridge and allow to firm for 15 - 20 minutes.


#chocolate  #easter  #seasonal  

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